indianmedtrip’s blog

IndianMedTrip vision is to outreach & deliver unmatched quality healthcare services to faraway patients of every age group. Enable every patient to get special care & attention for speedy recovery from ailments. With continuous expertise improvement & sys

Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

HIFU is an Ideal Minimally Invasive Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in men and is the sixth leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Occurrence of prostate cancer differs from one country to another, but there is a steady increase of cases within…

High Quality Treatments for Colorectal Cancer in India

According to reports of World Healthcare Organization (WHO), colorectal cancer has become one of the prime causes of deaths in Saudi Arabia. To be honest, a massive range of Saudis are falling victim to this dreadful disease every year. Me…

Undergo the Best Single and Double Heart Valve Surgery in India

Occurrence of heart diseases in Saudi Arabia has increased tremendously nowadays. As a matter of fact, World Health Organization has stated that 24 % of the disease-related deaths in this country occur due to heart diseases. Being overweig…

Avail Minimally Invasive Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumor Removal

Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery is one of the most common types of surgical intervention which is designed for removal of pituitary tumors. This is moreover the most sensible approach since pituitary gland is located at the bottom of br…

What is Rheumatic Valvular Heart Disease

Heart disorders may adversely affect your health if you fail to take appropriate measures on time. They may restrict you from enjoying your life to the fullest or even lead to severe life-threatening conditions. The good news is that major…

Advantages Associated with Robotic Prostatectomy Surgery for Prostate Cancer

Prevalence of men suffering from cancer of prostate has increased tremendously over past few years. This fatal disease emerges due to development of malignant or harmful cells and tissues in an individual’s prostate gland. Robotic prostate…

أجهزة مساعدة البطين (فاد) لعلاج فعال للفشل القلب

فشل القلب هو حالة تهدد الحياة التي تأتي في الوجود عندما فشل القلب لأداء وظيفة ضخ الدم بشكل صحيح. ألم شديد في الصدر، وضيق في التنفس، والتعب الشديد، وتورم في القدمين أو الكاحلين، وعدم انتظام ضربات القلب نمط والسعال المستمر هي بعض من أبرز علا…

كل شيء عن جراحة قسطرة في الهند

الشرايين التاجية هي الأوعية الدموية التي توفر الدم الطازج لعضلات القلب لدينا لتنظيم نشاطها الطبيعي. الشرايين التاجية صحية وبالتالي ضرورية جدا لحالة القلب السليمة. في بعض الأحيان، قد تحصل على انسداد الشرايين لدينا بسبب تطوير مادة غير مرغوب …

Benefits of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy after Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer

One of the most frequently diagnosed cancers for women around the world, invasive breast cancer generally requires surgery and radiation therapy as well after lumpectomy. Normally, there are two options which exist for breast cancer surger…

Avail the Best Endonasal Surgery for Removal of Pituitary Tumors

Pituitary gland regulates production of various hormones that contribute to our overall growth. It controls our blood pressure, reproductive system and sexual maturation as well. This is why it is also called as ‘master gland’. Any kind of…

عملية جراحية دقيقة بأقل تكلفة ممكنة لأورام الغدة النخامية

الغدة النخامية تلعب دورا رئيسيا في الحفاظ على التوازن الهرموني في الجسم الذي ينظم وظائف الجسم المختلفة بما في ذلك معدل ضربات القلب والرؤية والصحة الجنسية والتنمية الشاملة. ولذلك، فمن الأهمية بمكان أن يكون الغدة النخامية صحية. ورم الغدة الن…

Side Effects Associated with Radiation Therapy Treatments

Radiation therapy is also known as radiotherapy or radiosurgery. Radiation therapy treatments utilize proton beams or high-energy x-rays for destroying cancerous cells. Doctors who oversee radiation therapy treatments for cancer are known …

Are Holistic Treatments the Right Therapy for You

You may be just beginning to think about counselling if this is right for you. Holistic treatment is not a remedy it’s a lifestyle. It is a form of healing that deals with the whole person including body, mind, emotions and spirit, in the …

Joint Replacement Surgery in India is Reasonably Priced

Where two or more bones come together like hip, shoulder and knee it is known as a joint. Hips and knee are most common replacement surgery. Arthritis and other diseases, injuries and causes damages the joints, causing swelling, pain, and …

Undergo the Best Eyelid Surgery for Droopy Eyelids

Eyelid surgery is medically termed as blepharoplasty. Droopy eyelids is one of the major reasons as to why people choose to undergo eyelid surgery. This cosmetic surgery is meant to remove and tighten excessive eyelid skin for a person in …

Sun, Fun & Tummy Tuck Surgery in Goa

Goa in India is famous for beaches & places of worship which make tourism in this western state a primary industry. Tourism in India is generally focused on coastal areas. Beaches of Goa almost cover about 125 km of coastline. Widely influ…

Hope for People Struggling with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal nerve is one of the largest nerves which is present around face of an individual. It extends up to brain and helps an individual to perform basic functions like chewing food or talking. The term ‘trigeminal neuralgia’ basically …

Advent of Wearable Medical Devices

Fitbit, Nike, Apple & Jawbone have recently brought to market gadgets which can record expended calories, heart rate & physical activities like steps taken. Just imagine how this technology could likely be used on a larger scale to help pe…

Causes and Treatment Options for Chiari Malformation

Chiari malformation is an uncommon condition involving the brain tissue which extends into the spinal canal. This usually occurs when part of the person’s skull is either abnormally small or misshapen and thereby presses upon the brain in …

Real Causes of Heart Disease and Lifestyle Changes Which Can Make a Difference

Even when we know that consuming certain types of food can increase risk of heart disease, it is still difficult at times to change our eating habits. However, when it comes to heart diseases, role of diet is crucial in development or prev…

Diagnosis and Male Infertility Treatment Options

Male infertility has become a common cause of concern among men across the globe. There are few terminologies which can help you understand what it is and how it occurs in detail. The basic concept of fertility in men relies on sperm produ…

Pacemaker Implant Surgery as Treatment for Cardiac Problems

A healthy heart in its normal condition maintains an effective pace which regulates the heartbeat. However, some heart diseases do not allow proper functioning of the heart. However, in such cases a pacemaker device is useful in correcting…

All That Stem Cells Can Do For You

You might have heard of the latest medical intervention known as stem cell therapy. Well, it has become a common buzzword due to its numerous benefits. Its success record is high but as it is a new procedure, various researches are still b…

Relation between Obesity and Heart Diseases

Obesity is considered by medical science as one of the leading causes of rise in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Stress is therefore laid on maintaining healthy weight and which will thereby help in reducing risks of develo…

Weight Loss Surgery Can Change Your Life

Obesity is definitely a culprit that not only affects your appearance but also cause various health disorders. If you have tried following an exercising regime and a healthy diet and you are still not able to lose stubborn weight, then wei…

Most Common Types of Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. There are several types of heart diseases affecting mankind. While a majority of heart diseases develop over a period of time for most people, there are others which a…

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Knee is one of the staunch joints in human body that interconnects thigh area to lower legs. The term ‘knee osteoarthritis’ describes a health condition which interferes with normal functioning of knee by causing intense pain and swelling …

Benefits of Robotically-Assisted Heart Surgery

Robotic heart surgery is also known as closed chested heart surgery and is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed by a cardiac surgeon. A specially designed computer console is used to control the surgical instruments on robotic…

Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery

Spinal disorders have become a common cause of concern these days. Spine plays a vital role in supporting the entire body structure. It is responsible for providing stability to body by absorbing shocks during any strenuous physical activi…

Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Nasopharynx is a part of throat which binds back portion of nasal area to backside of mouth. It serves as a passage for fresh and oxygenated air that one inhales. It enters through nose and passes via throat, and nasopharynx to lungs. Naso…